Wilson transformer workers strike to protect conditions

November 12, 2003


MELBOURNE — On October 23, workers at Wilson Transformers Pty Ltd in Glen Waverley went on strike in response to management's refusal to negotiate on the latest enterprise bargaining agreement.

Wilson Transformers management has made it clear that it will not come to an agreement unless the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) and the Electrical Trades Union drop their demands that current workers' entitlements, such as sick leave and long-service leave, are maintained. Workers at the picket line told Green Left Weekly this could really cost them, as some had been working there for over 20 years.

Losing such entitlements would also set back the AMWU's 2003 campaign to protect workers' current conditions and to decrease the working week. It would set a precedent for other companies to attack these entitlements — required to ensure workers security.

Wilson Transformers management claims that the company is struggling because of the growing value of the Australian dollar relative to the US dollar, and because of an increase in foreign competition. The company also had to pay a $4 million fine handed down by the federal court last year for price fixing.

However, this is not the first time the workers have had to strike during enterprise agreement negotiations. Management is clearly testing out how far it can roll back the gains workers have made in the past.

Support for the workers is spreading. On November 7, AMWU workers at the company's Wodonga site went on strike to support the Glen Waverley workers. Workers on both sites intend to continue the strike until management is prepared to return to the negotiation table and take them more seriously. The workers have also received strong support amongst the local community in terms of food, donations and strong encouragement.

[The workers are encouraging supporters to visit their picket line at 310 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley.]

From Green Left Weekly, November 12, 2003.
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