Campaign resources for progressive activists

August 20, 2003

Visit the Socialist Alliance web site <> to download any of the following campaigning resources to take along to the next rally, info stall or community meeting.

Trade union and worker rights

  • "Hands off the CFMEU! Defend militant unions" leaflet

  • "Defend the Skilled Six" leaflet

  • "Make Labor Pay" leaflet for NSW teachers' pay campaign

  • "Money for education, not war" petition

  • Red Pen — newsletter of SA members in the National Tertiary Education Union

  • Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win pamphlet — containing articles on the current government attacks on militant unions, the Workplace Relations Act, unions and anti-racism, women workers, and more.


  • "Medicare not missiles" petition

  • Model motion on Medicare for use in trade unions

  • "Stop Howard's war on workers" brochure — containing articles on the budget attacks on Medicare and higher education, and the offensive against trade union rights (available mid-August)


  • "End the occupation of Iraq" leaflet

  • "Troops out of Iraq: aid not occupation" petition

  • "No troops to the Solomon Islands" statement

Anti-corporate globalisation

  • "No free trade agreement" petition

Refugees' rights

  • "End mandatory detention" petition

  • Refugees' rights fact sheet

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