Lisa Macdonald: Socialist Alliance candidate for Reid.

November 17, 1993

Lisa has been an active socialist for 20 years. She began life as a left activist in the women's liberation movement, helping to establish the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre and Women's Shelter, where she worked for a number of years in the early 1980s. During the last two decades she has been involved in many campaigns for women's rights and services, and has been a member of International Women's Day committees in Canberra, Adelaide and Sydney. In the 1990s, Lisa worked for a number of local councils to establish community child-care and women's services in Sydney's western suburbs.

After visiting Nicaragua in 1984, Lisa became active in solidarity with the people's struggles in Central America. She is a member of Committees in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean.

Lisa lives in Auburn where she was a founding member of the Sydney West branch of Socialist Alliance. She works closely with the large Afghan and Iraqi refugee communities in the area, and is a member of the Free the Refugees Campaign.

Lisa is a national co-convener of Socialist Alliance.

From Green Left Weekly, June 30, 2004.
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