It's Timor's oil

November 17, 1993

Johnny, get yourself up to the table,
'Cause you're not stalling for me.
You represent the grubby interests,
Of Shell, Woodside and BHP.

Get yourself up to the table
There's some serious talkin' to do
You get your hands off Timor-Leste
'Cause their land is theirs to use

It's Timor's Oil, It's Timor's Oil.

Respect the rights of sovereign neighbours,
Draw the line on middle ground,
It couldn't be any easier,
We've got no time to mess around.

Stop selling off your mining licenses,
Tear them up, you have no right.
Hand back to Timor all the royalties,
You stole like thieves in the night.

It's Timor's Oil, It's Timor's Oil.

Johnny get yourself up to the table,
'Cause you make us look so mercenary,
With so little aid after years of neglect,
Your platitudes are legendary.

Get yourself back to the table,
'Cause there's some serious talkin' to do,
The Timorese can stand on their own two feet,
Or is that what you've got to lose?

It's Timor's Oil, It's Timor's Oil.

Erneste Presente

[Under the sea between East Timor and Australia lie billions of dollars worth of oil and gas reserves. Australia is taking a greater share of these reserves than it is legally entitled to and is stalling on negotiations to draw internationally accepted borders that recognise Timorese rights.

Revenues from Timor Sea oil and natural gas will enable East Timor to develop essential services such as health, education, electricity, radio, telephone, post, internet and public transport.

For more information visit <> and <>. Join the Timor Sea Justice Campaign. Visit: <>.]

From Green Left Weekly, May 26, 2004.
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