Loose cannons

November 17, 1993

Unemployment benefits, that is

"Capitalism generates fantastic wealth, and the benefits accrue almost entirely to the least of these among us." — Art Carden, in a March 8 article "Why they hate the market", written for the web site of the Alabama-based Ludwig von Mises Institute, self-described as "the research and educational center of classical liberalism".

Capitalism at work I

"In our world of 6 billion people, one billion own 80 percent of global wealth, while another billion struggle to survive on a dollar a day." — World Bank president James Wolfensohn, writing in the March 4 San Jose Mercury News.

Capitalism at work II

"The landmark [Senate poverty] report ... finds overwhelming evidence that the kind of prosperity being currently achieved in Australia is being captured by a few at the long term expense of the many." — NSW Council of Social Services, Gary Moore, March 11.

In denial

"The prime minister, John Howard, has denied the poor are getting poorer after a Senate inquiry revealed over 20 per cent of Australians live in poverty." — Sydney Morning Herald, March 12.

Pleased and proud

"I am very pleased that I am prime minister of a country that has seen a very strong growth in opportunities and real incomes for middle and upper-income earners. But I am also proud of the fact that that has not been at the expense of social justice for the poor." — Howard, commenting on the Senate report on poverty which found that between 1984 and 1999, the richest 20% of Australians enjoyed a 1% increase in their disposable income while the poorest 20% suffered a 10% slump in disposable income.

From Green Left Weekly, March 17, 2004.
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