'End the lies!'

November 17, 1993

Duncan Meerding & Jim McIlroy

More cities have now taken up the call to hold demonstrations in the week prior to the federal election.

The Hobart Peace Coalition has initiated a broad group to organise an "End the lies" rally — a similar theme to that adopted in a range of other cities. The protest will demand the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and call for refugees to be welcomed into Australia.

Representatives of a variety of organisations met in Brisbane on July 26 to set plans for a pre-election rally initiated by the Queensland Peace Network, with the theme "Time for a change".

Groups involved include the University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology student unions, Rally for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, the Iraq Solidarity Committee, the Socialist Alliance, the Greens, Resistance, the International Socialist Organisation and Socialist Alternative. Motions to add the slogan "End the lies" and the demand "Bring the troops home" to the theme were not adopted.

From Green Left Weekly, August 4, 2004.
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