Beazley challenged to try citizen's arrest against revolutionary

November 17, 1993

During a February 24 "doorstop interview" in Ballarat about federal treasurer Peter Costello's demand for greater Australian patriotism from Muslims and others, federal Labor leader Kim Beazley commented: "If somebody has a revolutionary view, I don't care whether it's a revolutionary view for the Nazis, for Muslims, for Christians, for communists, they should not be permitted into this country."

According to Roberto Jorquera, Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network representative, "Beazley's too late. Dr Carolus Wimmer, longstanding revolutionary activist in Venezuela, elected member of the Latin American parliament and international secretary of the Venezuelan Communist Party has already been admitted to the country and is already influencing Australian hearts and minds — more than 200 people attended the opening meeting of his Australian public-speaking tour in Sydney on February 25."

Jorquera joked that Beazley could "put his Venezuelan counterpart under citizen's arrest at Wimmer's federal parliamentary reception in Canberra on February 28 — That would prevent any more Australians hearing his dangerous message about how the democratically elected government of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez is using the country's oil income to dramatically improve life for the country's poor majority!"

Jorquera concluded: "Kim Beazley's comments are disgraceful and will be repudiated by all Australians who favour free speech and open information and discussion about alternatives in politics and society."

From Green Left Weekly, March 1, 2006.
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