MELBOURNE — The bar at Trades Hall Council was packed on February 10 to mark the second anniversary of the death of Redfern teenager TJ Hickey and to support the call to re-open the inquest and get to the truth of events surrounding his death.
"A Mother's Tears" was organised by the Indigenous Social Justice Association — Melbourne Supporters Group. Performers donated their talents to help raise $1200 for the campaign. The MC was Yorta Yorta man Dave Dryden and speakers included Robbie Thorpe from the Black GST collective and Paul Wilkinson, a cousin of TJ Hickey who used to work as an Aboriginal Police Community Liaison Officer in Redfern. Contact the ISJA—MSG at (03) 9388 0062.
Alison Thorne
From Green Left Weekly, February 22, 2006.
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