Green Left Weekly Fighting Fund 2006: $250,000!

November 17, 1993

Will Williams

Midway through 2005, Green Left Weekly faced a serious crisis, one that threatened the project financially. But in response to a $100,000 emergency crisis appeal, more than $117,000 was donated to GLW in a matter of weeks. More than 350 people made a donation, 28 giving at least $1000 each, and hundreds of letters of support rolled in with the donations. It was amazing!

Thanks to this support, the crisis was averted and GLW scraped by in 2005, raising $240,620 for the year.

This year, we want to avoid having to make another end of year crisis appeal to save Green Left Weekly. To ensure that we need to raise $250,000 over the course of 2006.

The newspaper is currently distributed in all major cities and a growing number of regional areas. We also send complimentary subscriptions to hundreds of activists in the Third World, and the website continues to garner more than 10,000 hits per day.

The value of Green Left Weekly has never been clearer as the Howard government escalates its war on workers and human rights, and we can keep it alive — and kicking — by pooling our resources and contributing what we can.

GLW relies not one cent on corporate donations or advertising, but 100% on the dedication of its readers and supporters. Given that about one-third of our costs are covered by sales and subscriptions, and the rest comes from fundraising events and donations, you can make a huge difference.

The 2006 Fighting Fund has already had a strong kick-start. At their congress in early January, members of the Democratic Socialist Perspective collectively pledged more than $103,000 to this year's Fighting Fund — an inspiring boost to the fund, and one that means we have hit the ground running.

But of course there's a long way to go, so if you think you can help GLW out in 2006, please get in touch. Give me a call on (02) 9690 1230 or email <>.

2006 is shaping up as a very significant year in politics: the growing fight-back against John Howard and co's attacks on working people's rights; the revolutionary developments in Latin America; the deepening crisis for US imperialism, to name a few. Green Left Weekly will continue to champion every progressive struggle, and amplify the voice of resistance. With your help we can go beyond merely surviving in 2006 and help make it a year in which we, the people, achieve more wins!

Thanks to the following people for their much appreciated contributions to the 2006 Fighting Fund: Fred K ($300); George H ($500); anon ($200); Kit S ($120); Silke S ($45); Stephen L ($20); Shahram G ($17); Melanie S ($17); Vaughan G; Luke J; Roger H; Jackie P ($20).

From Green Left Weekly, January 25, 2006.
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