Chile under Pinochet, or is this Australia?

November 17, 1993

Dale Mills

On August 15, a Melbourne Magistrates' Court heard that police investigators had formed the opinion that rogue police officers may have been behind the alleged abduction of a Muslim religious leader.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika claimed that a year ago he was kidnapped in Barry Road, Broadmeadows, by men in two cars. He was blindfolded, held overnight in a secret location, assaulted and interrogated. He was released the following morning according to the August 16 Age. Detective sergeant Chris Murray told the court that the alleged kidnapping was reported to specialist counter-terrorism officers. The matter was also internally referred to Broadmeadows police, but the court was told that the police had no records of the matter.

Benbrika did not complain about the abduction to police as he believed at the time that the police were responsible, or possibly ASIO. Details have emerged as a result of telephone interception warrants.

Benbrika's house has been raided three times, with books and money being seized. He has been charged with various offences, including directing and recruiting for a terrorist organisation and possessing "a thing" connected to a terrorist act.

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