Ode to John Cummins

November 17, 1993

The people's champion is laid to rest,

by the rank and file your soul is blessed,

your casket draped with the flag of stars,

for you did not break behind those bars,

and behind those bars you served your time,

for the workingman's gain is another man's crime,

but now you front the people's court,

and the people have declared your crime was nought,

for the workers here both young and old,

have witnessed your strength so brave and bold,

for your modest pride and graceful heart,

is worn on your sleeve as a union trade mark,

from coast to coast and site to site,

the message was clear "unite and fight",

so, wherever we travelled throughout this land,

we will take your legacy and make a stand.

Gary McCarthy
September 6, 2006

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