DARWIN — On November 19, 70 people attended the first screening of David Bradbury's latest documentary film, Blowin' in the Wind. The documentary focuses on the use of depleted uranium in "conventional" munitions and the impact of DU munitions (particularly anti-tank shells) in Iraq on ex-service people suffering DU poisoning, and also raises the spectre of the possible use of DU in US military training exercises in Australia.
In introducing the documentary, Bradbury spoke of the learning curve he experienced producing it, with the horrors of the impact of DU being a real "wake-up call" for him. He told the audience that at least some of the uranium exports from Australia, which the Howard government plans to treble in the next five years, will end up in US depleted uranium weaponry. For details of future screenings of Blowin' in the Wind, visit
Kathy Newnam
From Green Left Weekly, November 30, 2005.
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