Write On: Letters to the editor

June 5, 2010

Israel’s latest atrocity

After yet another terrible massacre by Israel, this time against mostly foreign nationals in international waters, it must be said that several Western countries bear a lot of the responsibility for this and previous Israeli crimes.

These nations, principally the US, Britain and Australia, have constantly tolerated Israel carrying out atrocities without any condemnation or repercussions. In fact they usually make pathetic excuses for Israel’s actions, and stop criticism of Israel in the UN and other forums, granting Israel impunity.

This lack of any restriction on its aberrant behaviour has allowed Israel to kill hundreds of thousands of Arab and other people, seize Palestinian land, disinherit and exile the Palestinian people, build illegal settlements, break numerous international laws, disregard copious UN resolutions and brutally repress any opposition to its rule in the Palestinian occupied territory.

Israel is the largest recipient of aid from the US

How much longer will the West’s major powers put up with Israel’s rogue behaviour and sit idly by and do nothing but mouth empty words of regret? When will we see respect for the rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people and an end to this ongoing suffering?

Unfortunately, the double standards will continue, whereby Israel is an exception to any rules of decency and law. This is because Israel has faithfully served the national interests of the USA and its allies in controlling the peoples and resources of the region.

But I believe the vast majority of people and countries of the world have had enough of the hypocrisy in regards to Israel’s actions. The time has come for the rest of the world community to take concrete action against Israel.

Steven Katsineris
Hurstbridge, Vic [Abridged.]

Israel’s latest atrocity II

The Balfour Declaration created a monster. Israel is like a rabid dog out of control. It obeys no civic codes, no social codes or contract. What other country could do this? There were Nobel laureates, young people and old people on this boat. Unarmed peaceful people!

The Israeli offence force behaves like Neanderthals. It's like one law for everyone else and another law for Israel.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is just that: universal. There are no exceptions. But it should be rewritten to reflect the reality of today. It should say: “No one has the right to take whatever doesn't belong to them, steal land, kill people, limit the mobility of a nation, make women give birth at checkpoints, arrest children in the middle of the night … except Israel.”

Billions of dollars from around the world goes to Israel. For what? To protect it? Israel doesn't need the protection. Who needs the protection? The little girl who picks up a stone and throws it at the tank or the bulldozer in her street. The old woman being pushed to the ground by “settlers”.

Kathy Raheb
By email [Abridged.]

Cuba in a time warp?

Bradley Roth (Write On, GLW#838) says Cuba is in a time warp.

In April/May 2009, I visited Havana, Cuba for May Day. I saw the Cuban situation with my own eyes. There were 1.6 million Cubans and visitors who freely rallied in the May Day parade that year.

While much of what Roth says is true, it is said either out of context or without being apprised of the full facts of the case.

Yes, people were concerned about the low level of wages, but no one lived in poverty and they despised the conspicuous consumption of the West and their grasp of local, national and international news was way ahead of even some of the middle class in Australia or even the US.

Almost to a man and woman, they defended the Revolution.

Maybe some Cubans would like to see the Internet, but it is a tedious process in Cuba as the blockade by the US of the island means the transmission has to go via satellite.

I read their national daily Granma and other newspapers and it often contains more news that is actually worth reading than many metropolitan dailies in Australia.

Most youth do not want to leave the island, they want the US to lift the blockade and have decent jobs, a meaningful existence, happiness and a good time.

I wonder if Roth noted that it was safe to walk the streets of any part of Havana, that the children played outside, that adults talked to their neighbours, that there was good public transport, and, even after a couple of years of horrendous hurricanes, that there is more food and general groceries in the shops and the open-air fresh food markets?

They do not know freedom, Roth, when there are those who are slaves of another system.

Richard Titelius
Ballajura, WA [Abridged.]

Democratic elections?

Opinion polls suggest that the Greens now attract approximately 16% voter support, the ALP around 36% and the Coalition around 43%

If fairly translated into seats, i.e. proportionally, the Greens would win 24 seats, the ALP 54, Coalition 64, and a possible eight seats to be divided amongst them and a few Independents (total 150).

Australia's electoral system, preferential voting based on single-member districts, will deny the Greens such a result. They would be fortunate to gain three seats in the House of Representatives. The preferential system creates the illusion of democracy. It compels voters to allocate their preferences to either of the major parties or vote informal. Most voters comply.

Can someone explain the fairness of this system? The Electoral Act has to be changed. The major parties won't do that, for obvious reasons. The Greens would. Proportional Representation is in their policy platform.

Klaas Woldring,
Pearl Beach, NSW


Doesn't Western Australia offer a fascinating example of the way capitalism gobbles itself up? Consider Margaret River - a pristine rural wonderland which attracts droves of visitors because of the beaches, the wineries, the lifestyle. Apparently it is soon to be turned into a coal mine. Millionaires and would-be-millionaires have invested heavily in this region and perhaps even dreamed of retiring there. But who is going to want to stay in an area where heavy and dusty trucks are to be rumbling around at all hours? And, by the way, weren't we supposed to be weaning ourselves off fossil fuels? Something about global warming and rising sea levels -- or is that the wrong planet? Presumably the millionaires will now be retiring in the Bahamas or somewhere . . . unless of course those islands go under water. It seems to me that the environment is just one big Marxist plot.

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