Socialist Alliance statement (archived by Internet Archive 20/08/2010) June 22, 2010.
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Stop wasting lives - get our troops out now!
The Socialist Alliance today renewed its call on the Rudd government to withdraw all Australian troops from Afghanistan in wake of more Australian troop casualties and a poll showing that a majority of Australians support such a withdrawal.
An Essential Poll released today showed that 61% of respondents thought Australia should withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, 24% thought we should keep the same number and 7% thought we should increase numbers.
Support for withdrawal of troops has increased by 11% since this question was asked in March last year.

See Essential Poll (archived by Internet Archive 27/03/2011) for more details.
It is a tragedy that three more Australian soldiers have been killed in this near-decade long war but it is ordinary civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan who have been the biggest victims in this war.
Some 3.3 million Afghans have fled their country as refugees or are internally displaced and tens of thousands of Afghan civilians have been killed and many more maimed and wounded, according to UN figures.
Australia has around 1550 combat troops in Afghanistan as part of the 100,000-strong US-NATO command. They are taking part in the summer military offensive in the southern province of Kandahar.
So far 16 Australian troops have been killed in this war but the number is certain to rise unless the troops are withdrawn.
The former Howard Liberal-National government joined the war against Afghanistan without even a discussion or vote in Parliament.
The Rudd government should immediately allow a debate in Parliament to explain to the Australian people exactly how being in a war of occupation in central Asia helps protect the Australian people’s interests.
Defence Minister John Faulkner has urged Australians to continue supporting the war in Afghanistan but his only justifications are the lies rolled out by the disgraced former US President George W Bush.
The misnamed “war on terror” is better described as a war of terror against ordinary, poor folk in Afghanistan and currently serves to prop up the corrupt and despotic puppet regime of Hamid Karzai.
For more information:
Pip Hinman, Socialist Alliance anti-war spokesperson and candidate for Grayndler 0412 139 968
Trent Hawkins, Socialist Alliance candidate for Wills 0407 070 841
Alex Bainbridge, Socialist Alliance candidate for Perth 0413 976 638
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