Location: 'I have a dream' mural, King Street, Newtown
When: Friday July 2, 4.30-6pm
Representatives of local community organisations and political parties will take part in a community speak-out against racism on Friday July 2 in Newtown.
They will assemble under the “I have a dream” mural – featuring the legendary anti-racist Black American campaigner Martin Luther King.
Speakers participating include:
Reverend Dave Smith, Holy Trinity Anglican Church at Dulwich Hill, whose latest fight has been to try and prevent the deportation of Sheikh Mansour Leghaei, a Muslim cleric who has lived in Australia for 16 years, as a result of ASIO’s non-specific “adverse security declarations”.
NSW Greens Deputy Mayor of Marrickville Fiona Byrne who will speak about council initiatives for refugees.
Sarada Nathan, an advocate for the rights of asylum seekers who visited the stranded boat of asylum seekers at the Indonesian port of Merak. The boat was intercepted in international waters by the Australian authorities and towed to Indonesia.
Newtown Neighbourhood Centre Community Development Coordinator Ellouise Davis, who will speak about how to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.
Hadi Zaher, a refugee from Afghanistan, currently studying and working in Wollongong.
Pip Hinman, Socialist Alliance candidate for Grayndler and activist in the Sydney Stop the War Coalition.
Speakers will discuss community initiatives to counter racism. A sign-on letter to local ALP MP Anthony Albanese will be available for passers-by to sign on to.
For more information: Pip on 0412 139 968 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0412 139 968 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or Paul on 0410 629 088