Bahrain revolution: February 14th hip hop song

May 4, 2011

Februrary 14 was "The Day of Rage" against Bahrain's monarchy and dictatorship. As the government shut down radio broadcasters and stopped journalists from reporting on the situation, underground hip-hop artist Elreda wrote a song in dedication to the victims and the continuing protest that was not being broadcast to the western world.

Elreda says he was motivated by Bahrainian citizens overseas to stand up for what they believe in in his song "February 14th".

The song starts:
"Blood splashes Bahrain Labyaka ya Hussein up rise strength February 14th."

The Bahrain population are predominately Shia.

"Anti government replace / the more you kill the more we embrace / can't stop now and erase / no room to negotiate associate / Saudi Arabia tanks as the people being chased."

Saudi Arabia has sent military troops and tanks to support the kalafehas, against a peaceful protest.

The video for "February 14th" is not longer available, however the lyrics are reprinted below.

* * *

Breath with me... die with me... die.. with me... die with me... I believe

blood splashes Bahrain
labayka ya Hussein
up rise strength
February 14th
every martyr is a stain
to our hearts
people awake
perspective change
inhumane right violate
many more Annihilate
gas bomb protester
resist to go away
but these bombs are
chemical radiation plant fuel
impact like japan
to trying to collect
remains of a young mans brain
laying on the pave
child left to witness his father
going down the drain
no space to behave
we rise patrolmen
shooting at close range
poor mans face
anti-government replace
the more you kill
the more we embrace
Can't stop now and erase
no room to negotiate
associate as Saudi Arabia tanks
as the people being chase...

breath with me... die with me... die... with me... die with me... I believe

trying to escape

eliminate generation
follow a7lil bayt
solid faith
innocent victims incarcerate
Arab leaders sit down debate
analyze sky-high killing rate
cut the wrist of the beast
let that savage bleed
oppressors destroy properties
no boundaries
like racism don't be intimidated
be proud be who you want to be
the sound of a baby screams!
as his born, is the voice of
every Muslims being slaughtered
around the globe
radio news report
ain't really focusing whats going on
media block
dead bodies rounded like
a cemetery lot
I stand
Pick up a rock
as the world stops
clowns erupt
angels shout!
tears from heaven drop
bullet chamber unlock
how many more have to be shot..

breath with me... die with me... die... with me... die with me... I believe

We can't hold

rebels never lose hope
killing assault
death rope
family blood signatures
path of revolution
leads to peace n love
thieves n scums
that corrupt
shall be judge
opportunity knocks but once
choose your destiny
not the bureau that adjust
after everything is said and done
you shall overcome
we ain't hiding we ain't going run
God is watching from above
thousands of angels rush
while devils army develop
every killer comes to an end
unjust is tattooed to our skin
unwelcome torturing while others enjoy
its equal for all or comfort for none
thousands of young ones
suffer left to rise a family on their own
one love to my people in the struggle never give up

breath with me....die with me....I believe.. in love at least i believe in a dream for all of us.....

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