Joe Hockey wants entitlement - but only for the rich!

April 20, 2012
At 16% of GDP, public social spending in Australia is lower than the developed (OECD) country average of 19.2%

In his notorious April 11 speech, “The End of the Age of Entitlement”, shadow treasurer Joe Hockey said that if the Liberal-Nationals were elected to federal government they would slash Australia's already battered welfare system.

“The Age of Entitlement is over,” Hockey said with a sly smirk.

“We should not take this as cause for despair. What we have seen is that the market is mandating policy changes that common sense and years of lectures from small government advocates have failed to achieve.”

The welfare system that forces unemployed people to live below the poverty line is not mean enough for the likes of this snake oil merchant.

At 16% of GDP, public social spending in Australia is lower than the developed (OECD) country average of 19.2%. It lags behind 25 other countries. Even the US is ahead at 16.1%.

Not low enough for Hockey. He thinks we would be better off with a Hong Kong or South Korea-style welfare system — a no-welfare system.

On ABC’s Lateline, the shadow treasurer was shifty-eyed and slipped from one evasion to another when pressed on what programs a future Liberal-National government would axe.

But as he slammed social welfare as wasteful, he wouldn't talk about taking the knife to welfare for the rich. He said giving big business huge subsidies or cutting corporate taxes is “not welfare”.

So much for the end of the age of entitlement. The capitalist billionaires’ sense of entitlement to rip us off and get even richer is not a problem for the likes of Hockey. The “problem” is ordinary people's sense of entitlement to decent services and a welfare system, because that stands in the way of Hockey's masters getting even richer.
There is one rule for the rich and another for the rest of us.

Green Left Weekly believes communities have a legitimate sense of entitlement for hard-won welfare rights. Hockey’s ideological barrage is preparation for a new offensive on our social gains. And if there is one thing that is true about rights, it is that they exist only because ordinary people have collectively fought for them.

This article came together in a exchange on the Facebook social network website and I want to acknowledge the arguments contributed by about 15 members of the progressive community on Facebook. I mentioned that this would become a column for the Green Left Weekly fighting fund and immediately one of these friends, Kyle, donated $50 online.

You can follow Kyle’s example by making a direct donation to the Fighting Fund online at We’ve raised $40,120 so far this year and have just under $210,000 to go to make our target.

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The remarkable and admired senator Rachel Siewert has this last week given up her time and wages to "try to live on the unemployment benefit" and for this I believe there is a statement of whose who is conscionable, real leadership politics. Rachel runs in as first as do the Greens for being so conscionable, empathic and aware. Joe Hockey doesn't realise what the majority of Australians think of him and his mean spirited t(o say the least) attitude and values, though these would surface if he were to ever even go the way he and his colleagues want to go. Anger at injustice is healthy and I meet too many people who are very outraged and justifiable, single and families living below the poverty and all unemployed for reasons they had no control over. Their efforts at gaining work bare no fruits because the stats are distorted the hibs aren't there unless you;re an IT specialist or a Plumber or Electrician. The people I meet at a specific community centre didn't have income insurance and they are living on vegemite soup and noodles, regularly, not a one week stint like senator Seiwert. They also have no indulges and are not aquisitive nor swayed by affluenza (as if they could be if they chose to.) There's a lot in this article and I commend the author, as more and more Australians are growing aware of what the Liberals and nationals stand for and more and more are saying "enough is enough we keep losing whilst the top end of town is even given Welfare, it's not Australian and it's not fair and it''s not on". We are a very divided nation, and the cake is all for the rich, whilst the crumbs are left for the disadvantaged. A national disgrace. There's discrimination on the basis of income in this instance and it would be heartening to see the Discrimination Board take this kind of work on, as in Australia, a collectively rich nation, it would have many cases to deal with. For now, if people like Hockey continue to talk of these kinds of fearmongering and scapegoating the less fortunate they face the negative consequences of doing so. Shame, shame, shame. Does Hockey realise many whp have had very much have and do lost/lose this in a very short time due to savage brutality of market forces that the rich monopolise and if he does is he so sociopath and sick he thinks that's what Australians will vote for, a savagely brutal federal government that doesn't give a damn. He's wrong to think there's no people power today, as John Pilger rightly said there's now three Superpowers and one of these are the People's Voices. They are rising up and will not be intimdated by bully's like him. What a mercenary Joe Hockey (and his ilk) are and where are their social consciences? What does he get out of being so dark and discriminatory toward the less fortunate? What if his wages were lost, his pension cut to shreds and he had to live as senator Rachel Siewert has been trying to live this past week. What if he were suddenly thrown into a termianl illness? would this still be his attitude and values for all Australians who don't fit into the top ten. The Nazi's wanted to get rid of the disabled and they did, yet they faced the dire consequences; and isn't getting rid of the disabled meagre welfare livlihoods the same thing? Likewise the other meagre benefits that cause ill health and thereby cost the government in the long term. Shame, shame, shame Joe Hockey and the Liberals. Bully's who take and never share, give or care are out of vogue. Graham
If all these countries would spend the same the average would be what any individual country would spend. Then this debate would end? Hardly. It would still lead to the debate that we aren't spending enough even if this was some magic number that was independently arrived at because it did the most good. There still would be a push from the left to increase spending because they can never take enough of other people's money.
Big Joe has no credibility. When your in bed with power and wealth, that will be who you represent. It's sad when working class people end up voting for the coalition. When will people be able to separate the wheat from the chaff of our major parties. The economy in the hands of Hockey will be a dangerous venture for those at the bottom.
Good thing this article compared social outcomes, then, yeah? Rather than just averages.

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