Activists shut down Woodside rigs at James Price Point

September 9, 2012
Photo: Broome Community No Gas Campaign

The Broome Community No Gas Hub Campaign released the statement below on September 10.

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Two community members, Evan Dowlings and Frances Myles, have scaled two Woodside drill rigs at the site of the proposed gas hub at James Price Point, stopping work. The protest occurred in response to Saturday’s revelations that Woodside have actively sought to silence information around the heritage values of the site, and government’s repeated failure to enforce the Aboriginal Heritage Act

Simultaneously, members of the Broome community and Goolarabooloo converged on the Woodside office, calling for a stop to the illegal work. Community members demanded an end to the illegal works, and presented copies of the Weekend Australian’s article which outlined Woodside’s requests for the government to suppress Aboriginal heritage information.

“Woodside and the Barnett government have been shown to be ignoring information about our Country’s Song Cycle. They are ignoring the Aboriginal Heritage Act and showing no respect for my people and my culture. We will not let Woodside bulldoze our culture” said Goolarabooloo Law Boss Phillip Roe.

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