Green Left Weekly's 2013 Fighting Fund appeal for $250,000 was launched in January. Since then volunteers and supporters around the country have been busy raising funds and generously sending in donations to keep the project afloat.
It's relentless work, but vital in order to keep an independent media voice alive in Australia; a voice that puts the truth and journalistic integrity before sensationalism and profit.
In just a few months, we've managed to raise $30,641 for this year’s Fighting Fund. This is a fantastic start to the year despite falling short of where we would like to be to make our ambitious target.
With your help we can catch up and ensure Green Left Weekly's viability for another year. GLW has become more than just a newspaper; it’s an important part of a movement for social change. Its ongoing efforts to campaign for a stop to violence against women, for serious action on climate change and honest reporting on the struggles in Latin America are just some examples.
To help, keep an eye out for upcoming events such as the Global Solidarity Fiesta in Sydney on March 23 or the GLW Twilight River Cruise in Brisbane on March 24.
The fiesta will celebrate the life of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who died on March 5. GLW has consistently defended the gains of the powerful social movements in Venezuela against attacks from imperialist governments and right-wing media. Carlo’s Corner is a good example of how GLW is not afraid to take on the corporate media.
Guest speakers at the dinner will include Venezuelan ambassador to Australia Nelson Davila and renowned journalist and author Antony Loewenstein.
Many more dinners, gigs, film screenings, trivia and comedy nights, and other events are planned around Australia. Find out about events and fundraisers in your city or town by visiting greenleft.org.au/calendar. Please support these events by coming along, spreading the word and inviting friends.
You can also donate online to the Fighting Fund today at greenleft.org.au. Direct deposits can also be made to Greenleft, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account No. 00901992. Otherwise, you can send a cheque or money order to PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007 or donate on the toll-free line at 1800 634 206 (within Australia).