Youth discuss how to make a revolution

October 11, 2013

A socialist educational conference, “How to make a revolution”, is being held in Brisbane over December 13 to 15. This conference is being organised by Resistance Socialist Youth and the Socialist Alliance, and aims to be an event that gives young people the skills and perspectives to radically change the world.

Malaysian activist Soh Sook Hwa from the Socialist Party of Malaysia will be participating in the conference. Hwa is an inspiring organiser, who is involved in many struggles in Malaysia, including against corruption and for democracy.

Streams at the conference reflect areas of current struggle. The student activist stream of workshops will discuss the student fightback against funding cuts to universities around Australia. A feminism stream will analyse women’s oppression and the campaign for women’s rights.

There will also be a series of introductory sessions about Marxist ideas and practice, along with workshops on revolutionary strategy, which will discuss how revolutionary socialists can campaign more effectively.

Other major sessions will focus on climate change and ecosocialism, how to fight racism, and on the G20, imperialism and globalisation.

"How to make a revolution" is a question posed around the world today, from the Arab Spring to Latin America — come and be part of the discussion.

[A full agenda will be released soon. To stay in touch or to get more information, email]

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