Photos: Thousands join Perth's March in May protest against Abbott's budget

May 18, 2014
March in May rally
March in May rally, Perth 18 May 2014. Photo: Alex Bainbridge.

Tens of thousands marched against Abbott government in six cities around Australia on May 18. In Perth, Alex Bainbridge reports more than 2000 people took part. The photos below are by Bainbridge.


Block the budget, March in May
Block the budget, March in May. Photo: Alex Bainbridge


Big crowds at March in May
Big crowds at March in May. Photo: Alex Bainbridge


HelChild as Baloney Abbott leading the March in May
HelChild as Baloney Abbott leading the March in May. Photo: Alex Bainbridge


Budget cuts? No way!
Budget cuts? No way! Photo: Alex Bainbridge

Video: March Australia Perth (aerial view) May 2014. Jon Madd.

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