Koby Bunney to stand as independent in Victorian election

October 23, 2014

Koby Bunney will stand as an independent in the Victorian state election for the marginal Labor seat of Buninyong, formerly Ballarat East. This is his platform for the November election.

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I believe that all Victorians should have access to safe, stable accommodation that is suitable for the needs of each individual. This will enable them to participate in society and will benefit their health, wellbeing and sense of belonging as well as the economy and community as a whole.

Those who reside in public housing estates should not be ashamed or embarrassed about the area in which they live. I will campaign against and attempt to diminish those harsh stereotypes.

With domestic violence rates rising, government and non-government agencies need more funding to provide the victim, male or female, with a truly safe place to live, or work with them to make their existing accommodation arrangements safe.

With effective collaboration between federal, state and local governments and non-government agencies, all young people now residing in nursing homes could be housed in more suitable housing. There are several models to investigate. I will work with relevant organisations to achieve this within five years. This will require minimal funding, just effective collaboration.

The population of Ballarat is set to double to 200,000 in the next 36 years. As a result, there will be an increased need for the health system to have sufficient skilled staff and equipment to treat patients when required. More staff are required to help build safe staff-to-patient ratios, in order to implement safe health care practice while also reducing emergency waiting times.

I want future generations to understand our country's true history. One of my key campaigns will be to fight for the inclusion of Indigenous history and culture in the curriculum of primary and secondary schools. Any proposed curricula should be designed by persons from the original nation of the region and should encourage full self-determination.

The youth of Ballarat have little recreational space or social opportunities. I would consult with the youth of Ballarat to create a place where they can have fun and "chill" in a safe environment. Not only would this curb the issue of youth alienation, but it would increase their overall safety while also potentially decreasing the horrendous crime rate.

I vow to show integrity and vote against motions that attempt to breach international law or threaten human rights. I will be the voice for those whom the government attempts to silence and for those who don't feel they have a voice. When the government attempts to silence us, I will be that loud and proud voice for the population that I hope to lead into the future.

The Victorian police need to be trained and equipped to address the needs of minority groups within the community, particularly Indigenous communities and those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA). Incarceration rates for the Indigenous population of Victoria are out of control compared to the rest of the Victorian population. I will campaign for LGBTIQA rights at a state level.

All Indigenous funding should be determined by communities themselves, to provide programs and services that are relevant to the needs of the communities and to prevent unnecessary changes when new governments are elected. Community forums should be held to ensure the needs of the population are met and to ensure accountability and reliability to the community.

It is imperative that asylum seekers are brought to Australia and provided with services to ensure they can reach their full potential and can contribute to the economy. Those who seek asylum often have experienced immense trauma, and to think that we currently do not allow these vulnerable groups basic human rights such as housing and income through government assistance, is beyond heinous. These people come here for a better life: let's provide it for them.

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