One million march in Cuba

May 8, 2015
May Day in Cuba 2015.
May Day in Cuba 2015. Photo: Ladyrene Pérez/Cubadebate.

An estimated 1 million people marched on May 1 in Havana, Cuba, to celebrate International Workers´ Day, TeleSUR English said.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was present, alongside Cuban President Raul Castro. Marchers called for an end to the more than five decades-long US blockade against the island and celebrated the return home of the Cuban Five, who were jailed by the US after infiltrating right-wing anti-Cuban groups in Miami to help stop terrorist attacks.


Nicolas Maduro in Cuba for May Day 2015.
Nicolas Maduro in Cuba for May Day 2015.

The Cuban Five led the May Day march, which was organised around the slogan “United in the Construction of Socialism”. The five then left for Venezuela to declare their solidarity against recent US attacks.

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