In Brief

August 13, 2015

Adani loses Standard Chartered bank

British bank Standard Chartered announced it has ended its role advising Indian mining giant Adani on finance for its Galilee Basin mega coalmine and Abbot Point port expansion on the Great Barrier Reef. Standard Chartered was the last big bank to retain ties with Adani and leaves it without a financial adviser.

This follows the Commonwealth Bank cancelling its involvement with Adani and the Federal Court setting aside Greg Hunt’s approval of Adani’s Carmichael coalmine on August 5.

The move has been hailed as another victory by environment groups. Greenpeace’s Nikola Casule said: “This is a victory for anyone who cares about the future of both the Great Barrier Reef and the world's efforts to tackle climate change.”

Aboriginal death in custody

An inquest has heard that Northern Territory police refused the request of an Aboriginal man with a chronic heart condition to be taken to hospital after he was arrested, because they thought he was faking illness.

Kumanjayi Langdon, as he is known for cultural reasons, died of heart failure three hours after he was arrested for drinking in a regulated area on May 21.

The arresting officer could have issued Langdon with an on-the-spot fine, taken him to a sobering-up shelter or called the night patrol, but chose to arrest him instead.

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