Early this year supporters of Green Left Weekly in Melbourne decided to relaunch the Green Left Radio show on community radio 3CR. This was after urging from station management and Green Left supporters volunteering at the station.
The Green Left Radio program previously aired on 3CR between the mid-1990s and early 2000s.
The benefits of a weekly show totally outweigh any costs involved, Nick Fredman explained to GLW. “While we realised it would be a stretch — including total annual costs of around $2000 — we thought, on balance, it would be very useful as another medium for getting out radical ideas, promoting campaigns and involving supporters with radio experience or those interested in gaining skills.”
“Preparing the show each week is an activity closely related to the paper: on-air interviews can easily be turned into articles, or we can draw on the weekly campaign coverage in the paper for on-air interviews.
“It is also great to work with the significant progressive community around 3CR with its 500 volunteers, which already includes many Green Left supporters.”
After a process of meeting and planning the show, affiliating Green Left Radio to the Community Radio Federation, and getting the show approved by the station, it went to air on June 26.
An official launch for the show was held on August 21 with a fundraising gig at Kindred Studios in Yarraville. One hundred people came along to support the show and to hear progressive artists Ali MC (from New Dub City), Ray Pereira and Kanchana Karunaratna from Afro-Lankan Drumming System, Pressure Drop, Ezekiel Ox (pictured) and Divina Providencia.
“This very funky venue was new to us,” said Fredman. “It was chosen because it was Ray Pereira’s regular spot for performance and teaching work.
“It worked well, and the gig attracted a range of supporters and fans as well as venue regulars. We raised $1100 including a $500 contribution to 3CR's fund drive.
“Supporters of Green Left anywhere can get involved in the project. If you are doing an interview and have a good quality recording of yourself and the interviewee, contact us.”
You can help ensure that Green Left Weekly continues to produce the high quality campaign news and analysis that has inspired projects like Green Left Radio and Green Left TV.
Donate today to the GLW Fighting Fund on the toll-free line at 1800 634 206 (within Australia). Donations can also be made to Green Left Weekly, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account no. 00901992. Alternatively, send a cheque or money order to PO Box 394, Broadway NSW 2007.
[Green Left Radio broadcasts each Friday from 8-8:30am, in Melbourne on 855 AM or 3CR Digital and elsewhere via www.3cr.org.au/streaming. Listeners can catch the latest show and “like” the Facebook page.]