Photo essay: Far right/ultraleft fail to derail Safe Schools rally

April 22, 2016
Save Safe Schools rally and march in Perth, July 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally and march in Perth. Photo: Alex Bainbridge.

Save Safe Schools WA organised a protest in Perth on April 23. The Safe Schools program is an important anti-bullying program that began in 2010 in Victoria and has since been extended throughout the country. Many young people claim the program is responsible for saving their life.

The rally organising group is a new activist campaign that formed after the highly successful demonstration the month before.

The Turnbull government is attempting to inflict devastating attacks on Safe Schools by restricting its activities and threatening to cut its funding.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.

The rally (like the previous one) was a wonderful opportunity for young LGBTI people to explain why the Safe Schools program means so much to them.

Kai Schweitzer is the creator of the "Why I need Safe Schools" Facebook page. He told young people in crowd "there is nothing wrong with you".

"To all the parents who have queer kids, there is nothing wrong with your children. We should all be free to go to school and get an education without constant fear of harassment and that goes for the teachers too who work in schools and should be able to teach in freedom."


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.

This rally was complicated, however, by a counter protest by far right Reclaim Australia. They disingenuously claimed to "support the LGBT community" but that they "draw a line when it comes to children and pushing these views at such a young age" despite the fact that this is a blatant misrepresentation of the very popular Safe Schools program.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.

Socialist Alternative reacted to the counter demonstration by leading a split in the rally but most people stayed focused on defending Safe Schools.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.

Greens senator Scott Ludlam won a mighty cheer when he called on people to make a noise to drown out the "six, angry, pointless men" in the far right counter demonstration.

"I'm a little bit pissed off that we even have to turn up to explain the concept of Safe Schools," he told the rally. "I would have thought that was a really simple concept for people to understand."

He finished with a big message of thanks and congratulations to the organising team for getting a "big, colourful, bright demonstration" together.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.

State opposition education spokesperson Sue Ellery confirmed that "if the federal government does withdraw funds from Safe School, [a future Labor state government] will fund Safe Schools so that those schools who choose to participate can".

Responding to the counter protest, she said "people who use our nation's name motivated by hate do not speak for the majority of Australians".

"I support the Safe Schools program because it works," she said. "School leaders, principals, teachers and students have told me that this program saves lives."


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.

Midway through the speeches, a march took place through the city. More photos from the rally below.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally, Perth Jul 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally, Perth. Photo: alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally and march, Perth April 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally and march, Perth. Photo: Alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally and march, Perth April 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally and march, Perth. Photo: Alex Bainbridge.


Save Safe Schools rally and march, Perth April 23, 2016.
Save Safe Schools rally and march, Perth. Photo: Alex Bainbridge.

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