Photos: Rallies across Australia for equal marriage

June 24, 2016

Thousands of people have come out to vibrant rallies across the country demanding marriage equality now, just a week before the Federal election. Several hundred people came out in Perth and had a sit down for marriage equality in the Murray St mall. Thousands turned out to Sydney's rally, which included a mass rainbow chalking on the streets.

Four thousand people rallied in Melbourne and held a mass illegal wedding outside Victorian parliament.


Marching in the Melbourne Marriage Equality rally, June 24 2016.
Marching in the Melbourne Marriage Equality rally, June 24 2016. Photo: Ali Bakhtiarvandi.


Rainbow Malcolm Turnbull, Marriage Equality rally June 24 2016.
Rainbow Malcolm Turnbull, Marriage Equality rally June 24 2016. Photo: Ali Bakhtiarvandi.

1000 people chanted "Plebiscite? No way! We want equal rights today!" at the Brisbane rally for marriage equality.


Marriage Equality rally and march in Brisbane, June 24 2016.
Marriage Equality rally and march. Photo: Alex Bainbridge.


Marriage Equality rally and march in Brisbane, June 24 2016.
Marriage Equality rally and march. Photo: Alex Bainbridge.


Marriage Equality rally and march in Brisbane, June 24 2016.
Marriage Equality rally and march. Photo: Alex Bainbridge.


Marriage Equalty rally in Brisbane, June 24 2016.
Marriage Equalty rally in Brisbane. Photo: Alex Bainbridge.

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