A couple of hundred students took part in banner drops, live artwork and marches at Sydney University's Camperdown campus to save the Sydney College of the Arts.
A couple of dozen SCA students with drums, red glitter, red and white masks and capes marched through campus and into the middle of several large lectures to tell students about the campaign.
A rally was held at 1pm, that included speeches from Grant Wheeler CPSU, Alexi Glass Art Space and Clair Parrafait NTEU followed by lively march through campus to the university's vice chancellery building. Yhe rally also offered solidarity with the student movement in South Africa that is saying fees must fall and has come under attack from the state.
A massive banner was unfurled.
Ceramic piece of protest art happened in front of the quad, tents were set up and dancing happened.
Photos: Banner drop, performances and art at save SCA rally
October 6, 2016
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