“War aids capitalism, those who support capitalism support war, that is, the philosophy of death and destruction,” Boliva’s left-wing President Evo Morales said on April 18.
Morales warned that humanity was “at risk of disappearing in a nuclear holocaust,” as tensions mount worldwide after US military attacks in Syria and Afghanistan.
“Nuclear power in the United States and Western countries are getting us dangerously closer to a nuclear conflagration.”
Morales said the capitalist crisis leads the imperialists to “new wars that are in reality military interventions over natural resources, over the control of sea routes or regions with geopolitical, energy, trade or financial value.”
He recalled the US nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan that left hundreds of thousands dead.
Noting US President Donald Trump’s proposal to raise the military budget by US$54 billion, Morales noted: “The empire is not governed by a man but by the sum of its financial, industrial and technological powers.”
He called on the whole world “to join forces to repudiate energetically any war, any military intervention that does not seek to guarantee human rights, that is not in defence of democracy, and only seeks natural resources”.
[Abridged from TeleSUR English.]