As great as Gareth

November 20, 1991

As great as Gareth

Could this indicate that politicians are not as revered as we thought? Entries in our "As Great as Gareth Competition" are not exactly pouring in.

The challenge is to nominate a politician or other public figure for an award. The award can be a real or imaginary one, but the nomination should be as laughable as Gareth Evans being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Robert Graham of Perth suggests that the Kenworth Backfire Award for Political Miscalculation should go to Tasmanian Liberal leader Robin Gray for his stuff-up on resource security legislation.

Robert Wood writes that Congressman Solarz — who suggested that Gareth deserved the Peace prize — "got it slightly wrong — surely he meant to nominate 'Garrulous' for the Pie and Peas Prize ... befitting the recipient's standing, the award should be delivered from about three paces."

The best nominations will win prizes of free tickets in the guessing competition organised by Canberra Green Left supporters. Send your nominations to: As Great as Gareth Competition, Green Left Weekly, PO Box 394, Broadway NSW 2007.

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