What do you need to lead our nation?
Tell us what you need.
It’s the hardest job in all creation,
Can it be your proper station?
Lust for power and greed.
You need callousness to lead our nation
For people lowly born,
Lesser beings get condemnation,
The poor merit no donation,
Just contempt and scorn.
If you want a lovely land to lead,
It helps if you’re a snob.
Make jobseekers bleed and bleed,
Humiliation’s what they need,
If you’re seeking the top job.
What do you need to lead our nation?
Tell us what you need.
It’s the hardest job in all creation,
Can it be your proper station?
Lust for power and greed.
If you can run concentration camps
And swear they’re paradise,
Take money from cashed business scamps,
Cut their taxes and be their tramps,
They don't have to ask you twice.
If you can ignore scientific advice:
(If the Reef bleaches, let it be)
Closed eyes and ears are very nice,
It’s others who will pay the price,
Let’s ignore reality.
What do you need to lead our nation?
I wonder what you need.
It’s the hardest job in all creation,
Can it be your proper station?
Lust for power and greed.
Crazy lefties howl “racist creep”,
You must nobly stare them down,
White Farmers’ needs are very deep,
Only for them you’re losing sleep
If you want to seize the crown.
If foreigners say you’re welshing out,
Why should you even care?
Paris vows, refugee norms lack clout,
Treaties are so easy to flout,
Swear blind it’s all unfair.
Let minorities quiver and quake,
Let them live in doubt and fear,
We let them in, for heaven’s sake,
(I think it was a bad mistake),
They’re lucky to be here.
You have to watch those others, you know,
They’re putting up false fronts,
No matter what the stats will show,
Think “crime”, or if that doesn’t go,
Scream “terrorism” at once.
What do you need to lead our nation?
Consider what you need.
It’s the hardest job in all creation,
Can it be your proper station?
Lust for power and greed.