Tout le Monde Debout (Rolling to You)
Directed by Franck Dubosc
Starring Franck Dubosc, Alexandra Lamy, Elsa Zylberstein
Showing as part of the French Film Festival across Australia in March and April
Remember Pretty Woman back in 1990 where rich guy Richard Gere raced off fallen-woman sex worker Julia Roberts?
Remember how repulsive that was? Well here’s a French variation where a sleezy misogynist rich guy falls for a woman in a wheelchair. He fakes being disabled so he can get her into bed.
Can you see the comic possibilities here? According to the publicity millions of French people have.
Maybe there’s a “director’s cut” being shown in France. The version I saw was unfunny, sexist and patronising towards people with disabilities.
Dear reader, I gave one hour and 47 minutes of my life in order to be able to say to you: avoid this film at all costs.