We have been forced by the COVID-19 pandemic to temporarily suspend the print production of Green Left. Our small team will now be working from home (for health and safety reasons) so we will continue to produce regular digital editions.
All supporters and subscribers will now be sent the digital edition of GL, so if you have not given us your preferred email address, please contact us by email at supporter@greenleft.org.au or call 1800 634 206.
We hope to expand our online presence with more online forums, videos and podcasts and we will keep you informed of such developments.
We realise that at this moment of crisis, GL has an important role to play. The corporate rich and their governments are hell-bent on putting their interests first, potentially leaving thousands, if not millions of the poorest and most vulnerable to die in this pandemic.
Building solidarity among people and sharing inspiring examples of internationalism is therefore essential.
GL has been a people’s voice and a movement builder from its inception in 1991, and we will continue to play these roles to the best of our ability.
GL has been making the case for system change. The climate emergency, and now the COVID-19 pandemic, are demonstrating the bankruptcy of the capitalist system.
Powerful new forces for system change can arise out of this crisis. GL can help connect and unite these forces.
We are determined to rise to the challenge over the next weeks and months, but we need all the help we can get.
We need your stories, photos, videos and participation in our online forums. We also need your continuing financial support.
We urgently need your help in getting more people to become GL supporters — from as little as $5 a month. And we need donations from those who can afford it.
Please consider supporting us today.