Geelong Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation (ANMF Victorian Branch) delegates are thrilled that Zeta Henderson was announced 2022 Job Representative of the year at the June 30 delegates' conference.
“Henderson had no idea she had been nominated,” Geelong ANMF delegate Jackie Kriz told Green Left. “It was a big surprise to her.”
The prestigious award is given to Victoria’s largest union of more than 90,000 members.
Six hundred delegates from Victoria listened to speakers and decided on motions that would form the basis of the next log of claims. Kriz said that many of the motions were designed to “attract and retain more nurses, midwives and carers and keep them in the system for longer”.
Henderson, who is also a member of Socialist Alliance, won the prestigious award for her “exceptional contribution as a workplace delegate and to the broader union movement” and her long-term contribution as an ANMF workplace delegate.
“Henderson is a member of the Geelong Women Unionists Network (GWUN) and has been vice president of Geelong Trades Hall for the past two years. She mounted a strong campaign to retain her vice presidency earlier this year and continues to use this role to invigorate, inspire & educate other delegates,” Kriz said.
Henderson helps GWUN organise forums against family violence and is an environment activist. She is well known for speaking about the links between feminism and climate change and frequently features in local media. She was instrumental in pushing the University Hospital Geelong to recycle PVC tubing.