Patriarchy, Power and Privilege - Medical Misogyny

Conferences & public forums


51 Little Malop Street
Geelong VIC 3220


Patriarchy, Power and Privilege - Medical Misogyny

A partnership event between Geelong Regional Libraries and Geelong Women Unionists Network (GWUN)

A panel discussion exploring medical misogyny, patriarchy and how it manifests in our health system and the consequences of this for us all and what we need to work on and address to change this.

All women, gender diverse people and men are very, very welcome to come and be part of this very important discussion.

Guest speakers –

The Hon Ged Kearney MP - Ass Minister for Health and Aged Care. Chair of the newly formed Women’s Health Advisory Council

Dr Elizabeth McLindon – Social Work, Psychology and Research Fellow. Gender based violence

Rochelle Hamilton – Reproductive and Sexual Health. Currently undertaking a PHD in Public Health

MC – Adele Welsh – ASU delegate and GWUN co-convenor

Our panel will discuss our male designed health system, and the difficulties and gaps that can arise for women when navigating that system.

Thursday May 4th

6:00pm - 7:30pm

Geelong Library and Heritage Centre (The Dome)

Wurdi Youang

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