XR Drum Rebellion regularly protest outside Sydney CBD banks and other implicated institutions, with their "No Fossil Fuel Money" message. Usually 1 hour each outside 2 different banks major offices.
But, some days we do a Prisoners Parade outside NSW Parliament to call for the repeal of draconian anti-protest laws that put envionmental protesters in jail.
Lots of enjoyable drumming etc to attract attention and be un-ignorable, and, if we have the numbers/support, to engage with bank staff and the interested public, hand out leaflets. Deliver our protest letter. Then of course, coffee afterwards. (Or after the next action we move on to!)
Very sociable, everyone welcome to drop in and help for however long you can spare in anyway. Hold banners or placards, hand out leaflets, or borrow and play a drum, whistle or saucepan
Schedule Tuesday 19th September
- 10:00 - 11:00 — NSW Parliament on Macquarie St
- 11:00 - 12:00 — ANZ bank 20 Martin Place