Serious progress towards justice for First Nations People, including Treaty (or treaties) based on respect for Sovereignty, Land Rights and full implement of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and the Bringing Them Home report will require us to grow the movement for change. The level of grass-roots struggle that happens after the referendum will determine if this quest for justice can overcome either constraint by a bureaucratic Voice or demoralisation by a majority No vote. Hear from two long-term grassroots activists as they share with us ideas about the way forward:
Megan Krakouer, Director of the National Suicide Prevention and Trauma Recovery Project. Megan has also been involved in the First Nations Deaths in Custody Committees and exposed the cruel treatment of children at the Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre. She was recently named City of Perth Community Citizen of the Year.
Marianne Mackay, Invasion Day march organiser and Nyoongar Advocate. Marianne has been involved in many campaigns including those around deaths in custody, refugee rights and uranium mining. Growing up during the land rights struggle of the 1980s and 1990s, Marianne has always had a passion for justice and is studying law at Murdoch University.
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