Disrupt Burrup Hub Presents...

Arts, culture & social functions
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


4:00pm Sunday 14 January


Vinyl Cafe
636 Newcastle St
Leederville WA 6007


Come enjoy an afternoon of excellent local music and poetry while supporting the campaign to Disrupt Burrup Hub!

We've put together an A+ line-up of some of Boorloo/Perth's best artists for the first of our Disrupt Burrup Hub presents... event series. Featuring music from: Abbe May, Peter Bibby, Nick Allbrook, The Heartbreak Sisters and more; and poetry from Patrick McCarthy (also our MC for the evening), Sam Bloor (Mood Punch) and more!

Disrupt Burrup Hub needs your support to continue our important work to fuck up Woodside's Burrup Hub - so come join us for some great tunes and a cold bev while supporting our campaign to stop Woodside's destruction of climate and culture at Murujuga!

Book tickets here.

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