No to Labor's deportation and entry ban bill

Actions, protests & rallies


11:00am Saturday 22 June


Reddacliff Place
cnr George & Queen Sts
Brisbane QLD 4000


Speakers include: Vashini Jayakumar - Tamil refugee; Zahra Azizi - Iranian asylum seeker; Terry Fisher - Migration and Criminal lawyer; Senator Larissa Waters - Australian Greens.

Labor's draconian new laws that attack refugee and migrant communities may have stalled, but Albanese is determined to get them through the Senate with the Coalition's bipartisan support when parliament again sits in the week starting Monday 24 June.

Despite 'winning' a High Court case in early May, Labor is persisting with its bill that would even allow for the deportation seriously ill asylum seekers and refugees.

It would apply not just to those in detention but bridging visa holders including the 10,000 asylum seekers rejected under the Coalition’s unfair Fast Track processing system.

They have now been in Australia for over ten years but are still fighting for permanent visas.

The Bill would impose a jail sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $93,900 if refugees fail to organise their own deportation.

It also gives the government Trump-like powers to impose an entry ban on anyone from a “removal concern country” that does not accept forced deportations—meaning it is harder for the government to send asylum seekers back.

Labor is putting its middle finger up at the widespread concern among refugee communities, human rights organisations, and the refugee rights sector.

Join this protest to call on Labor and other Senators to drop the laws and stop abusing refugee rights.

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