Forum: Rank and File Activism: Young Workers, Fight Back!

Conferences & public forums


6:00pm to 8:00pm Friday 28 June


Victorian Trades Hall
54 Victoria Street
Carlton VIC 3053


🚨 Rank and file forums are back! June 28th 6:00pm Victoria St entrance — be there! 🚨

Building a radical, militant rank and file led union movement is what U4P is all about. Sometimes you can’t just wait for the officals to organise, you have to do it yourself!

That’s our focus with this forum, organising young casual workers and building up unionists who can stand up to their bosses collectively with their workmates, and take initiative beyond that shown by the union bureaucracy

We’ll start with two talks.

One from a current AEU rank and filer, Yasemin Shamsili — who played a key role in an inspiring union drive that took place amongst young casual, call centre workers, who took a stand on social justice issues and beat back the bosses on multiple occasions

The we’ll here from Matt Abbot. A current NTEU rank and filer who played a leading role in NTEU fightback, where rank and filers organised against their officals to defeat the “Job Protection Framework” which amounted to a 15% pay cut.

The meeting will be shared by ASU rank and Filer, Teishan — who helped organise a strike of library workers at the Merri-Beki library in 2022

Following the talks there’ll be a short Q&A discussion following which we’ll then breakout into union specific work groups where rank and filers self lead their groups in discussing tips and trips for organising at work and what the next steps are for building our unions in the fight to free Palestine! ✊️🇵🇸

Masks will be provided and all those attending will be advised to wear masks in the meeting. Masking up is union business

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