Sleepwalking into War? 7th National IPAN Conference

Conferences & public forums
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


8:15am Saturday 05 October to 4:00pm Sunday 06 October


Uniting Church Conference Hall
Level 1
97 William St
Perth WA 6000


Be part of the movement towards building an Australia that is independent, sustainable, and promotes peace

Speakers Include:

  • Senator Jordan Steele-John
  • John Lander (Former Ambassador)
  • Ian Lowe AO (Emeritus Professor)
  • Professor Kanishka Jayasuriya
  • Anu Chenoy (International Peace Bureau Councillor)
  • Sophie McNeill (Former ABC Journalist)

Topics for the conference presentations and discussions:

  • AUKUS - Alternatives to $368 billion, dangers of nuclear waste, and implications for Australian Policy
  • Lessons from Gaza
  • Developing regional peace initiatives in the Asia Pacific
  • Impacts of war on the environment and indigenous rights
  • Countering threats of nuclear war
  • Campaigning for a more independent and genuine defence policy for Australia


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