Palestine National Day of Action

Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


12:00am Sunday 29 September


Forrest Place
Perth WA 6000


Over the past year Israel has carried out a genocide in Gaza that has killed more than 40,000 Palestinians. Two thirds of those killed are women and children and 21,000 children are missing. Western governments have not only let Israel kill and starve Palestinians, they have aided and abetted them.

To date, the Australian government has failed to impose any meaningful sanctions on the State of Israel, despite the finding of the International Court of Justice that Israel is illegally occupying the Palestinian territories and that there is a plausible case Israel is committing genocide. Instead, the Australian government has imposed sanctions on a handful of extremist Israeli settlers. The Australian government has also recently abstained on a UN resolution calling on Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian Territories.

Join us for a National Day of Action to demand an end to Israel's genocide. We call on the Australian government to:

• introduce a humanitarian visa for all Palestinian refugees who want to settle in Australia
• impose an immediate two-way arms embargo on Israel and urge other states to do the same
• break diplomatic ties with Israel, including expelling the Israeli ambassador from Canberra and recalling Australia's ambassador in Tel Aviv
• ban entry to Australia from all Israeli government representatives and illegal settlers guilty of war crimes
• impose trade sanctions on Israel, beginning with a complete ban on the import of all products made in illegal Israeli settlements.

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