Candlelight vigil for Gaza and Lebanon

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


6:00pm Monday 07 October


Sydney Town Hall steps
Sydney NSW


As we approach 12 months of genocide and terrorism inflicted by the terrorist state of Israel, our community stands resilient in the face of unprecedented loss and tragedy.

While the Western world and mainstream media continue to downplay the daily massacres, we refuse to let Israel and its accomplices to continue to slaughter Palestinian and Lebanese men, women, and children with full impunity.

Every life stolen, every ambition eviscerated, every dream shattered, fuels our commitment to fight against ethnic cleansing and the entity’s terror project in the region! With recent provocations signalling a looming regional war, our resistance remains solid and grows stronger.

On Monday, October 7, we gather not only to mourn but to stand in unity. Together, we honour the victims of genocide and terrorism, and we remind the world: WE ARE MORE THAN NUMBERS. Every voice counts, every presence matters. Let’s show the silent world that we will not be erased.


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