DISRUPT BURRUP HUB campaigners Tilda, Emil, Jesse, and Gerard will face court on Tuesday to be sentenced over their attempted protest outside the Woodside CEO's mansion in 2023.
Back in 2023, Tilda was attempting to draw attention to Woodside's catastrophic plans for Burrup Hub gas expansion when she was ambushed by a dozen armed counter-terror police. The day before, the same cops pulled a gun on Emil.
The four campaigners have pled guilty to attempted trespass and attempted criminal damage.
How badly will the state of Western Australia punish young people who are scared for their future? What kind of sentence is appropriate for those making sacrifices to protect future generations?
We'll find out this Tuesday, as proceedings on this matter finally draw to a close.
Outside court last month, Tilda said: “It is estimated there will be one billion people displaced by climate change by 2050; [at which time] Woodside’s North West Shelf venture will still have another 20 years of operation.
“We’re already seeing fires like those in California, all of those people losing their homes. What about [Woodside] going after their homes?
“It’s the pollution of [Meg O’Neill’s] company that is driving this crisis: I think she is just as guilty of targeting people’s homes as I am.”
Join us outside court on Tuesday to show your opposition to Woodside's gas-fired calamity.