Baghdad, Poets and Portraits

Arts, culture & social functions


8:00pm Thursday 27 February


Drum Theatre
Corner Walker and Lonsdale streets
Dandenong VIC 3175


Celebrating Iraq's contribution to Arabic music and culture and drawing inspiration from a song made by Fairuz (the iconic Lebanese singer) for Iraq, Tarab Ensemble invites listeners to "Baghdad, Poets and Portraits" concert at the charming stage of The Drum Theatre.

Weaving together Arabic music scales, aspects of Iraqi and Arab culture, art and literature, this poignant work also offers fascinating landscapes into the Arab world.

Through a vibrant tapestry of Arab musical styles, Tarab Ensemble performance will be a testament to the power of music in fostering empathy and unity amidst conflicting identities, sects, politics, and ideologies. 


Date: Thursday 27 February, 8pm-9.45pm

Location: Drum Theatre, Corner Walker and Lonsdale streets, Dandenong


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