Terror campaign against black leader

March 25, 1992

Terror campaign against black leader

By Bill Mason

BRISBANE — Aboriginal community leader Don Davidson has accused police of racism over their refusal to provide his family with 24-hour protection, following three fire-bomb attacks on his house in the space of five weeks.

Davidson's car was destroyed and his Murarrie home severely damaged in the third attack, which occurred at 3 a.m. on March 15.

In the two previous attacks, a caravan was burnt to the ground and another car badly damaged.

The earlier bombings appear to have been linked to a report he is writing for the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

Davidson, who is coordinator of the Brisbane Tribal Council, slammed the refusal by authorities to provide round-the-clock police protection:

"The Queensland Corrective Services Commission and the Police Department give politicians and criminals more protection than they give to a black man who tried to weld the gap between blacks and whites.

"They should show more compassion", he said.

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