BRISBANE — The state government's move to grant a licence to adapt the Old Treasury Building site for a casino has provoked a storm of protest from conservationists and social welfare groups here. National Trust president Deryl McConaghy said: "The buildings form part of a unique government precinct. We strongly believe they could continue to be used as government buildings as they have been for more than 100 years."
SYDNEY — ABC journalist Kirsten Garrett was the featured speaker at the annual general meeting of the Sydney branch of the Australia-Vietnam Society on June 3. Garrett recently visited Vietnam to prepare material for the popular program Background Briefing; the two-part series recently went to air. Elections were also held for office-bearers. Incoming secretary is lecturer Peter McGregor and treasurer is Gail Green.
- One hundred people converged on the ALP State conference chanting "Human rights for refugees, no deportations" on June 6. The rally was called by the Action Committee for Refugees in Australia to protest against the government's attempts to deport 37 Cambodians out of the 438 boat people presently detained at Villawood and Port Hedland.
WOLLONGONG — A public meeting of women on June 12 moved to form a local pro-abortion group. The meeting was addressed by Maria Pilar from Sydney Women's Abortion Action Campaign and Michelle Webb, a long-time activist in the women's movement in Wollongong. A major focus for the group will be an active campaign to remove all abortion laws from the statute books as soon as possible. The meeting brought together a broad range of women's organisations and individuals from across Wollongong. A delegation will be attending the WAAC meeting in Sydney on July 27 to add Wollongong support to the statewide repeal campaign.