The Australian Council of Trade Unions is among many who are condemning the Coalition’s plan to slash 36,000 public service jobs if it wins the federal election. Jim McIlroy reports.
Barbara Pocock
Suzanne James gives a status update on the Price Waterhouse Coopers scandal since the release of the Senate inquiry’s final report.
What happened at PwC is the entirely predictable result of the Australian Public Service being sacrificed for the politically expedient, but false, economy of outsourcing to the private for-profit sector, writes Suzanne James.
The movement for Palestine in Australia is maintaining its pressure on Labor to abandon its support for Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. Peter Boyle, Renfrey Clarke and Jacob Andrewartha report.
A new anti-war, anti-nuclear coalition organised a well-attended protest against the federal government's decision to build nuclear submarines and join the new AUKUS pact, reports Renfrey Clarke.