Bob Hawke

Recently-released former secret United States embassy cables reinforce the long-held view that once prominent union leader and former Prime Minister Bob Hawke was also an informant for the United States government and the Central Intelligence Agency. Jim McIlroy reports.

Nurses walk out of the Echuca hospital in 1986. Photo: Australian Nurses and Midwives Federation.

Jon Strauss discusses the legacy of the Labor government-sponsored Prices and Incomes Accords of the 1980s and 1990s.

Bob Hawke was instrumental in taming the Labor Party and the labour movement primarily through the introduction of the Prices and Incomes Accord, writes Jim McIlroy.

From July 1, students will be forced to start paying back their higher education loans much earlier, after the federal government found a way of getting part of its stalled education attacks through the Senate.

From the images doing the rounds, education minister Simon Birmingham had the crossbench senators right where he wanted them: in the palm of his hand.

Today’s crisis of the established political parties and the rise of far-right political projects are linked to the long-running capitalist crisis in which neoliberalism is immiserating the working class and small producers.