The Victorian government would have known that a weapons expo would be a focus for pro-Palestine and anti-war protesters. It went ahead anyway because, as Jacob Andrewartha argues, it is committed to militarism.
Christopher Pyne
“Money for health and education, not for war and devastation!” rang out as arms lobbyist and former Coalition minister Christopher Pyne arrived at the Defence Strategic Review Summit. Jim McIlroy reports.
Peace groups organised a protest at Darling Harbour outside the 2022 Indo Pacific Expo naval arms bazaar. Video by Peter Boyle.
An Israeli government-owned military company has joined forces with an Australian firm to produce precision-guided missiles and other equipment for Australia’s military. Supporters of Palestinian rights and anti-war activists must seek to break this contract, writes Mark Govier.
Remember when Donald Trump campaigned for office in 2016 on getting the United States out of “endless wars”? He did, in part, to distinguish himself from the pro-war Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton.
Now, Trump and his band of hawks are pushing for a new war, most likely with Iran.
Throughout last year, devastating conflicts raged in Iraq and Syria. The Afghan War entered its 16th year with a record number of civilians deaths, while in Yemen, a Western-backed, Saudi-led coalition continued to bomb civilian targets using British and American-made weapons.